Scientific-practical conference called "Scientists are heirs of Prophets"
May 16, 2023 | 12:00

On May 15, 2023, a scientific-practical conference was held with the organization of Sheki Regional Scientific Center of ANAS and Sheki Yukhari bash National Historical and Architectural Reserve, a scientific exhibition dedicated to the outstanding religious and public figure, exegete scientist Akhund Haji Sheikh Farajullah Pishnamazzade at Sheki State Regional College. Mammad Ahmadov, director of Sheki Yukharibash National Historical Architectural Reserve opened the conference with his opening speech, wished success to the work of the scientific-practical conference. He pointed out that the city of Sheki, distinguished by its numerous historical monuments, urban planning culture and craftsmanship, is also famous for its unique people, prominent intellectuals and religious figures.     

Elshan Abdurahmanov, scientific secretary of Sheki RSC of ANAS, greeted the conference participants in his opening speech and expressed his sincere thanks on behalf of the management of Sheki RSC to those who worked hard in organizing the event. In his speech, he spoke about the socio-political situation in Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 20th century, the progressive activities of the national bourgeoisie, intellectuals, progressive religious figures, the enlightenment movement, the national and religious provocations of tsarism, as well as the factors that determined the activity of Pishnamazzadeh in this direction during the Armenian massacres.  

Kamil Adishirinov, the leading researcher of Sheki RSC, PhD in Philology, docent, spoke on the topic "Sheki literary environment at the beginning of the 20th century". He commented on the specific aspects of the literary environment of Shaki prominent representatives, issues that have been left out of research in Azerbaijan's literature and cultural environment, and drew attention to the role of F. Pishnamazzade in the formation of the social and cultural environment.

Then Habil Khalilov, an employee of Sheki RSC, imam-vicegerent of the Khan mosque, spoke on the topic "The heritage of Pishnamazzade is our national and spiritual wealth". In his speech, H. Khalilov gave information about the mosques and madrasahs operating in the city of Sheki in the 20th century. He noted that one of the components of the national-colonial policy carried out by tsarism was to exaggerate the Sunni-Shia issue and put the people against each other. However, Akhund stressed that these provocations were eliminated as a result of the efforts of F. Pishnamazzade and Mufti Nurmammad Effendi. It was mentioned about the important role of Pishnamazzade in the direction of the education of the people, the fact that he has secular sciences as well as religious sciences, and tolerance is the focus of his religious activity.

In his speech, Kamran Efendi, the confessor of Sheki-Oghuz region, spoke about the role of the unity of religious and secular sciences in the formation of personality and emphasized that this quality is contained in his Holiness Pishnamazzade. He spoke about his communication and relations with intellectual intellectuals of Pishnamazzade period. The speaker added that the main task of religious and scientific people is to stay true to their beliefs, national and moral values, and base their activities on our rich historical, religious and national roots.

  Zemina Rasulova, the researcher of Sheki Yukharibash National Historical Architectural Reserve, gave general information about the religious and architectural monuments of Sheki in her report entitled "A look at the architectural structure of the Imamali Mosque" and noted that the Imamali Mosque occupies a special place among these monuments. She informed about the construction of the mosque by the representatives of the Pishnamazzade generation, the graves of the representatives of that generation buried in the mosque courtyard, the interior and exterior of the mosque, and the inclusion of the monument in the cultural heritage of UNESCO in 1994.

At the end of the event, a video about Akhund Farajullah Pishnamazzade obtained from representatives of his descendants was viewed.