“The open door” days were held in Sheki Haydar Aliyev Center on the occasion of Haydar Aliyevʹs 100th anniversary and 27th of March “Science day” on March 27-29 with the organization of ANAS Sheki Regional Scientific Center
Mar 29, 2023 | 12:00

“The open door” days were held in Sheki Haydar Aliyev Center on the occasion of Haydar  Aliyevʹs 100th anniversary and 27th of March “Science day” on March 27-29 with the organization of ANAS Sheki Regional Scientific Center.

The reason of organizing “The open door” days are to realize practical action in the direction of popularizing and massification of science, to lead educational activities among high school pupils, secondary school and university students, to achieve the acquisition of modern scientific knowledge by young people, to promote science among them, to give detailed information to the participants about the scientific research works carried out in the North-western region in the scientific-research departments of the Scientific Center, obtained important scientific results, successes and achievements

On March 27, the opening of the exhibition and the first acquaintance with the exhibition took place with the participation of the managers of the Sheki City Executive Power, Sheki Regional Organization of NAP, Sheki Regional Culture Department and Sheki branch of ASPU, and representatives of the media. The next day, 50 participants, consisting of principals, teaching staff and senior students of Sheki Gokhmug village secondary school and Okhud village secondary and general secondary schools, visited the exhibition organized by the Scientific Center and were informed about the samples displayed in the exhibition. During the "Open Door" days, on March 29, 70 people, including senior high school students and teaching staff of Shaki city secondary schools No. 5, 7, 9 and 14, participated in the exhibition and got acquainted with the scientific achievements of the Scientific Center.

The participants shared their impressions of the exhibition with Sheki RSC employees. It was hoped that the events organized in this direction would be continuous. It was also stated that the organization of the exhibition is important for the acquisition of scientific knowledge by the young generation and popularization of science. The services of Sheki Regional Scientific Center in the study of the history, material and spiritual heritage, folklore, gene fund, vegetation and soil cover, ecological and geographical environment of the region were highly appreciated.

In connection with the organization of the "Open Door" days, "Kanal S" television filmed and broadcast it.