On March 19, 2021 a seminar was held in ANAS Sheki Regional Scientific Center
Mar 19, 2021 | 11:00

In the seminar the director of Sheki RSC, PhD on physics Yusif Shukurlu reported on the theme named “Organic and chemical composition of the pupa of the wild silkworm on Saturnia pyri (Denis Schiffermüller, 1775). The article evaluates the value of the live pupa of the wild Saturnia pyri silkworm of the Saturnidaida family of the genus Lepidoptera in terms of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.

As a follow-up to the seminar, Elshan Abdurahmanov, Scientific Secretary of Sheki RSC, presented an article named "Historical view of the dog in the national way of thinking." In the article the beliefs about dogs in different religions and peoples, rituals, their meaning in monuments discovered during archeological excavations, the information provided on this topic was summarized and analyzed.