The event dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev was held at the SHRSC of ANAS on 08.05.2018
May 08, 2018 | 11:09

         Farhad Azizov, PhD in Biology, Deputy Director of SHRSC, said that the modern democratic, legal and secular state building in Azerbaijan, the return to civil society, national and spiritual values, and the development of science, education and culture are forever connected with the name of Heydar Aliyev. The main law of our country is the adoption of the Constitution, the establishment of modern methods of governance, and the formation of the relevant state bodies as part of the large-scale development program implemented under the leadership of Heydar Aliyev.

Later, Ph.D., Professor Firadun Ibrahimov, the senior researcher of the SHRSC, talked about the genius leader's speeches in his speeches and speeches at the pedagogical public, with the most urgent and urgent issues covering all aspects of education, the essence of the education content, management, by bringing about conceptual provisions on the role of teacher in society, highlighting the most important tasks facing the education system employees in the past.

          Aygun Ismayilova, a scientific worker at the Ecological Geography department of SHRSC, said that Azerbaijan's reputation in the international arena is directly related to Heydar Aliyev's name, education of young generation on modern requirements that our leader always thought about.