International Monuments and Historic Sites Day
Apr 19, 2022 | 01:00

On April 18, 2022, on the occasion of the International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites, an event was organized by the Museum management and Sheki RSC of ANAS at the Sheki Museum of Applied Arts located in the territory of Sheki “Yukhari Bash” State Historical-Architectural Reserve. The event was attended by employees of museums located in Sheki "Yukhari Bash" State Historical-Architectural Reserve, Gabala Regional Office of the State Service for Protection, Development and Restoration of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture, mothers of martyrs, students of higher and secondary schools and representatives of the city community. Opening the event, the director of the Sheki Museum of Applied Arts Irada Abdullazadeh spoke about the essence of the event, the state's care for historical monuments and the importance of their protection.  Antiga Nagiyeva, the mother of Togrul Nagiyev, who was killed in the 44-day "Patriotic War", and Ramziya Nadirova, the mother of Elchin Nadirov, said that every inch and monument of the Motherland they sacrificed for their children was sacred and important. Then the guide of the museum Yegana Rasulova and the guard of Gabala Regional Office Arzu Ismayilova informed the participants about the activities of the enterprises they represent. Scientific Secretary of ANAS Sheki RSC Elshan Abdurahmanov informed the participants about the historical monuments located in Sheki and surrounding villages, as well as early medieval Albanian temples. At the end of the event, the participants got acquainted with the exhibits on display at the museum and an exhibition of photographs depicting Albanian monuments.