On September 18, 2019 the next seminar according to actions plan for “Nesimi year” was held in ANAS SRSC
Sep 18, 2019 | 05:36

On September 18, 2019 the next seminar according to actions plan for “Nesimi year” was held in ANAS SRSC. In the seminar two reports were listened. First of all PhD on Philology, leading scientific worker of “Folklore and crafts” department Kamil Adishirinov reported about the theme named “Lyrical hero in Nesimi creature” – the place of “Divine love”. Head of “Folklore and crafts” department, doctor Pakize Zakirova continued with the report named “Essence of sufi literature: Love target of sufi people. Sufism part of Hurifism. Opinions of Naimi Astrabadi”.  Discussion were made abou the two reports.