In the date of 19.01.2018 the meeting that dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the 20th of January was held in Sheki Regional Scientific Center
Jan 19, 2018 | 12:39

   The director of ANAS Sheki Regional Scientific Center PhD on physics, docent Y.H.Shukurlu opened the ceremony. After a minute of silence Yusif Shukurlu spoke about the policy of the leadership of the Soviet Union Communist Party on the eve of January 20 that contrary to the interests of people, and non-objective and biased line of  M.Gorbachov against  sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan that caused the anger of the large masses of people. The main purposes were to strike the people's movement in Azerbaijan, to prevent the collapse of the current regime, and to destroy the forces that fight for the sake of stability.

  The leading researcher of ANAS SRSC, PhD on pedogogics, prof. F.N.Ibrahimov had a talk about disastrous tragedy of former Soviet army, the violence against peaceful people and noted that this event had great importance for the freedom and independence of our people.

  Then the head of “Landscape” department, PhD on geology-minerology H.L.Mustafabeyli has noted that, the 20th of January is one of the most glorious pages of the history of freedom struggle of Azerbaijan for the sake of independence and sovereignty. He emphasized that January 20 event would not be deleted from the memories, and it would not celebrated as tragedy, but as the day of heroism and courage.