The next Scientific council meeting of ANAS Sheki RSC was held
May 30, 2023 | 12:00

The next scientific council meeting of ANAS Sheki RSC was held on May 30, 2023.  The director of Sheki RSC, PhD on Physics, docent Y.H.Shukurlu informed the participants about the agenda and the agenda was voted and adopted. Docent Y.Shukurlu informed about the special meeting of ANAS Presidium on the theme “Haydar Aliyev, leader, time and modernity” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Haydar Aliyev. He noted that the Common ceremony was organized with the form of international scientific conference. At the event, besides the members of ANAS Presidium, the deputies of National Assembly, public-political figures, great scholars and educational workers of Turkey, Georgia, Turkmenistan. In the Common ceremony Sheki RSC was represented with its 4 employers.  

Then the other issues on agenda – an international conference that organized by Sheki RSC with the decision number 212 of ANAS Presidium dated January 16, 2023, and the other decisions about scientific and scientific organizational activity of ANAS for 2022 and upcoming tasks of ANAS Presidium were discussed and relevant decisions were adopted.