PhD on philology Kamil Adishirinov’s article named«Шекинский рабочий» (“ Publication history and literary - cultural content of Sheki fehlesi “) newspaper was published
Apr 03, 2019 | 01:30

Leading scientific worker of “Folklore and crafts” department of ANAS Sheki Regional Scientific Center, PhD on philology Kamil Adishirinov’s  article named “История издания и литературно – культурное содержание газеты «Шекинский рабочий»(“ Publication history and literary - cultural content of Sheki fehlesi “) in the 4th edition of the 33rd issue on 2018 of “Humanities sciences” series of Dagestan State University News was published. In the article, the 70th anniversary and literary and cultural content of of “Sheki feshlesi” newspaper, which played an important role in the cultural, social and political life of Sheki, was delivered to Russian readers with interesting facts.