About the action of Sheki Regional Scientific Center

PhD on physics Yusif Shukurlu

With the decision of Azerbaijan SSR Academy of Sciences Presidium dated April 14, 1972 Sheki Zone Scientific Base (SZSB) was established within Institute of Physics of the academy. The purposes in founding this institution are to develop industry and agriculture of Sheki-Zagatala economical region, to increase efficiency applying advanced achievements of science to production.

    Later, “Geology”, “Genefund”, “Biochemistry”, and “Biophysics” groups were established in Scientific Base.

According to the decision of the Academy Presidium number 131 dated April 6, 1995 Sheki Zone Scientific Base was called Sheki Regional Scientific Center. With the same decision five research groups in Scientific Center were transformed to laboratory and in addition two new laboratories – Learning floods and Folklore and crafts were created and became 7.

In 2014, in Sheki Regional Scientific Center structural changes were realized according to the new charter of ANAS. Considering our work condition, laboratories have been called as a department.

According to the action directions of the department new names were Landscape, Ecological geography, Biochemistry of plants, Molecular biophysics, Selection of mulberry silkworm, Genefund of plants and biodiversity, Folklore and crafts, Historical heritage and ethnography.

   The main action directions of SRSC are the followings:

  1. “Research of human, animal and plant gene fund of Azerbaijan, creation of genetic collections and databases” (“Mulberry silkworm selection” department)
  2. "Implementation of activities for the study, protection, restoration, reproduction, reintroduction and efficient use of genetic resources of wild plants in the regions" ("Plant Biochemistry" and "Plant Gene Fund and Biodiversity")
  3. "Forecasting and operational information of natural disasters and possible threats in the field of technogenic sphere" ("Landscape" department)
  4. "Conducting research on ecosystems by regions, identifying ways to effectively use the potential of ecotourism" ("Ecological Geography" department)
  5. “Modern approaches to environmental protection and research and efficient use of natural resources, including biodiversity” (“Ecological Biophysics” department)
  6. “In-depth study of national-spiritual heritage, development of issues related to the ideology of Azerbaijanism, study of the history of Azerbaijan, especially the recent history” (“Historical Heritage and Ethnography” and “Folklore and crafts” departments)

 The Sheki-Zagatala zone of the Republic of Azerbaijan has rich natural geographical conditions. Due to the region's favorable climate, fertile lands, colorful flora and fauna, industrial and agricultural facilities, roads and communication systems, historical, cultural, heritage and natural resources, and the availability of all conditions for complex research in the region, taking into consideration further development of economy and culture of Sheki-Zagatala region was determined as the main direction of activity, scientific research of the following problems was entrusted to Sheki ZEB and now to Sheki REM of ANAS:

  1. Study and use of the landscape of the region, local flora and fauna resources, restoration of natural monuments;
  2. Improving soil fertility and their protection from erosion, development of forest vegetation, identification of measures to combat floods
  3. Carrying out genetic-selection work and stationary researches on perspective cultivated plants of the region;
  4. Biogeochemical study of the province. Study of genetics and physiology of native species, birds and insects specific to the region. Establishment of breeding institutions (stations) for the purpose of linear experimental (laboratory) nurseries and seedlings, animals, birds and insects for medical and biological research;
  5. Study of economic and geographical opportunities of development prospects of all effective spheres of the region related to the national economy;
  6. Research of complex physical methods of mulberry and non-mulberry (wild) silkworm cocoons, stimulation of application of physical factors in animal husbandry, poultry and beekeeping;
  7. Exploration to determine the future prospects of the existing mineral resources in the relevant zone of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus, as well as the study of local raw material resources for opportunities for industrial use and development;
  8. Collection, systematization, research and preparation for publication of samples of folklore and folk art formed in the region;
  9. Research of ancient, medieval, modern and modern history, archeology and ethnography of the region, coverage in scientific publications and mass media


 International cooperation:

  1. Agrarian University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  2. Experiment Station on Vratsa Sericulture and Farming, Bulgaria
  3. Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences Khujand sericulture practice station
  4. Scientific-research Sericulture Institute of Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  5. Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
  6. Maysori Training and Education Center on Sericulture, India


   Domestic corporation:


  1. ANAS, Institute of Genetic Resources
  2. ANAS, Institute of Geography
  3. ANAS, Institute of Dendrology
  4. ANAS, Institute of Zoology
  5. ANAS, Institute of Archeology and Ethnography
  6. AR Institute of Ganja Cattle-breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture
  7. Nakhchivan Branch of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences



In 2018, employees of ANAS SRSC participated in 16 conferences, including 5 in Turkey and 1 in Ukraine. In these conferences 23 theses and conference materials have been published.

In accordance with the state program on the development of silkworming in the Republic of Azerbaijan (2018-2025), one employee of the SRI of ANAS, the Leading Enterprise of this Program, from 02.12.2018 to 31.12.2018 - for one month at the Central Research and Training Institute for Silk Therapy in the city of Maysori, India.

On March, 2019 an initial agreement about signing the cooperation protocol between the same Institute and SRSC, ANAS was reached.

From 2017, employees of Sheki Regional Scientific Center, together with the Institute of Genetic Resources of ANAS, the Institute of Management Systems, the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Scientific Research the Institute of Farming, Bulgaria Plovdiv Agrarian University, Experiment Station on Vratsa Sericulture and Farming were going on the work of International Grant Project of Science Fund (EIF KETPL 2 2015 1 (25) -56 / 44/3-M-33)) about the theme “Making agroecological development model and innovative measures packet on the development of agrarian field on North-West region of Azerbaijan.

On April 2-7, 2017, with the organization of ANAS, BACSA and Sheki Regional Scientific Center, the 8th International conference that participated scholars and specialists from 10 countries – Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Thailand, Cuba, Turkey, Russia, Tajikistan, Romania, Georgia about “Climate Change and Chemicals - New Problems of Silk” - “CLISERI” 2017 of BACSA was held for the first time in Sheki. In SRSC, materials of the conference were prepared for publication and printed. This year, on April 8-12, we took part in the 9th conference of BACSA in Batumi, Georgia.

In the years of 2015-2018, 200 scientific articles and theses of the employees of the center were published in various scientific journals, which 32 of them were published abroad.

In the years of 2015-2018, 1 Ph.D and 25 doctors of philosophy dissertations were attached to corresponding institutes of ANAS.

In 2019, the report according to the project "Development of agro-ecological development model of the north-western region of Azerbaijan" with the participation of ANAS SRSC, other institutes of ANAS and Vratsa Silk Experimental Station of the Bulgarian Agricultural Academy and Plovdiv Agrarian University participated in the international project was submitted to the Science Development Fund.

In accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (01.05.2019) "Prioritization of fundamental and applied research in public health and biomedicine as a priority scientific direction", the chemical composition of hazelnut bioextract was studied and a decision was made to grant a patent for this bio Extract by the Patent and Trademark Examination Center of the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Historical and ethnographic heritage was studied in 6 regions of the region, tombstones, shrines and shrines were studied, 29 types of patterns and ornaments of the XVIII-XIX centuries were discovered, symbols and signs on epitaphs were studied.

As a result of bioresearch and field research conducted in 2019, 18 species of wild medicinal plants were identified and classified in the “Effective, Prospective and Potential Plants” group, respectively.

Employees of Sheki REM cultivated 3,000 seedlings with the help of pens taken from those seedlings, cultivation of amaranth in 1 ha area was organized on the basis of a joint scientific-technical cooperation agreement concluded with Sheki Regional Agrarian Science and Innovation Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Scientific-practical conference dedicated to “Science Day” on March 29, 2019 with the participation of ANAS SRSC and Balakan Executive Power, as well as employees of Sheki branch of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, 19 2019 a scientific-practical conference with the participation of employees of SRSC and ADPU-Sheki branch was held together with the Executive Power of Zagatala region on the occasion of Nasimi-650 anniversary in October.

Essay competition was held at the Sheki branch of ADPU with the participation of VIII-XI grade students of secondary schools, and the winners were awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.

"Mathematics Program" for the specialty "History and Geography" of Sheki branch of ADPU was prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Employees of Sheki REM of ANAS took part in 5 international conferences held in Turkey, India, Georgia and Japan. 26 scientific articles were published, 4 of them abroad, 33 articles and theses were published at foreign and local international conferences.

According to the “Action Plan” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of ANAS adopted at the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS on July 17, 2019 and the relevant decision of the next meeting of the Presidium of ANAS held on March 4, 2020 in the research year 2020 “Landscape-diagnostic and economic features of natural resources of Sheki-Zagatala region of Azerbaijan” edited by Yusif Shukurlu, director of SRSC reflecting landscape-diagnostic and economic features of natural resources of Sheki-Zagatala region of Azerbaijan, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of ANAS was published in the printing house of ANAS SRSC.

 In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences "About the responsibilities of ANAS in connection with scientific research on the liberated territories of Azerbaijan" dated October 30, 2020 17 / 1№, the package of proposals by ANAS SRSC was prepared and submitted to the leadership of the Academy.

 In the experimental field of ANAS, SRSC the area corresponding to 17 species of endemic and relict plants of medicinal and industrial significance was identified and a collection garden consisting of these plants was established. Places of 12 more species of new medicinal plants were discovered in the region, α (alpha) and ß (betta) assessments were carried out on 2.5 ha area of individual plant succession in Bash Shabalid natural biogeocenosis of Sheki region and the results were analyzed.

Spring and summer feeding was carried out on 29 lines, breeds and hybrids, preliminary results were analyzed.

During the collection period of 2020, 22 bayats, 1 legend, 1 tale, 15 proverbs and 3 songs were obtained and recorded. A plan of about 10 Albanian monuments of the early Middle Ages, which have not been registered and involved in research in the territory of Balakan region, has been drawn up, and the preparation of a catalog of these monuments has begun.

In 2020, the staff of SRSC published 3 books and compiled and prefaced 4 books. Employees of SRSC of ANAS published 13 conference materials and 4 articles in foreign index journals in 2020, and 8 articles in national journals.

In the exhibition hall of the Central Scientific Library of ANAS, 232 books, monographs and printed materials published by the employees of SRSC, as well as leading poets and writers of the region were placed in the exposition in the special corner allocated for SRSC of ANAS. The dissertations of 4 dissertators from SRSC employees were fully prepared and opinions were obtained for discussion and submission for defense in the relevant departments of the institutes to which they are attached.